Day 6 Life
Transformation Challenge
On Day 6 of Life
Transformation Challenge,
We will always go through difficulties in life, some bad experiences of the
past, anxieties of the present and future. However, when we have faith in God,
focus on being in the present by doing our best and leaving the rest to God, we
will never have to worry in life. When we always remain worried about
difficulties and uncertainties, we will not perform to our potential. So let's
focus on doing our best and leave the rest to God. That way, the circumstances
will always be in our favor.
Action item for Day 6: Think about some of the moments you were so
worried and anxious about the future. During those times, were you able to
perform at your best? Always ask yourself the question - what should I be doing
now? Focus on that with all your mind in it. You will feel accomplished once
you complete that task. Continue doing this every day in your life, and soon
you will find yourself focussing on your efforts more than worries. Share in
comments, how you plan to live a life without worries from now. Inspire
everyone with your ideas.
NB: Indebted to Swami Mukundananda
NB: Indebted to Swami Mukundananda
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