Saturday, February 29, 2020

On Day 10 The Mind is a thought generating Machine

On Day 10  The Mind is a thought generating Machine

Image result for The Mind is a thought generating Machine
The Mind is a thought generating Machine, and it always seeks to do pleasurable things instead of taking the hardships to do things that are beneficial for life (for example, wasting too time on TV instead of doing some exercise, etc.) 

However, Controlling the Mind is easy. For example, some children are not interested in studying and more keen on playing. However, during the time of final exams, they focus their Mind in giving the best answers to questions without any distraction for a few hours, knowing very well that if they don't, they will fail the class. That is the power of the Mind when the intellect guides it in the proper direction. 

So how can we guide the Mind to do the right things and desist from doing anything wrong? For that to happen, we need to illumine our intellect with divine wisdom, which is readily available from Saints and Scriptures. The Scriptures tell us what to do and what not to do, so if we repeat and revise the knowledge of Scriptures every day through the help of a Spiritual Master, that will help us guide the Mind and intellect in the path of righteousness.

Action item for Day 10: Think about the number of days you spent the time to read Scriptures like the Holy Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, which tells us the way to succeed in life, grow spiritually, and what things to do and not do. Make a firm resolve today to make it an everyday habit to spend time on reading scriptures and illumine your intellect with divine knowledge. Strive to implement what you learned. 
Psalm 119:11 : I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Always Remember - One Gem of Divine Knowledge can transform your life if you sincerely implement the learnings with faith. 

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Friday, February 28, 2020

The right attitude in which we need to work to get the best results.

On Day 9 of Life Transformation Challenge,  the right attitude in which we need to work to get the best results. 

We all do work to accomplish something. However, when we offer all our works for the pleasure of God, we will be inspired to put in our best efforts, and that will lead to success. We can develop such an attitude in anything we do in our life. For example, when you are cooking food, if you make it for the pleasure of God, offer it to him, and take the remnants of it, that adds a divine consciousness to your cooking work and makes you humble. In this way, when you add God to anything you do, you will be inspired to put in your best efforts, which will give you the best results. Watch more to find out.

Action item for Day 9: Think about some of the work you did yesterday. Ask yourself - did you develop divine sentiments on any of those works? Did you offer it for the pleasure of God? Make a firm resolve to bring God in anything you do, and slowly and steadily, you will do every work for the sake of God, and that will attract divine grace.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Monday, February 24, 2020

A solution to remain Stress-Free even while working hard.

Image result for A solution to remain Stress-Free even while working hard.

On Day 8 of the Life Transformation Challenge: A solution to remain Stress-Free even while working hard.

Most of us think that Stress comes because of hard-work. However, the real reason for Stress is not Hard-work, but attachment to the results of the works. The Attachment to Results creates anxiety, tension, and takes the focus away from giving our best efforts. Lord Krishna, in Bhagavad Gita, advises us to focus only on our efforts and not the results to get rid of Stress. Jesus said ""But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33
Luke 12:22–31; Matthew 6:25–33

Action item for Day 8: Think about the situations where you were tensed and anxious in the past. What was the reason for it? Find out the attachment that was causing the tension. Think about the ways to address such situations in the future without getting stressed.

Always Remember this - Only the Effort is in our control and not the results, for the results depend on several factors, including the will of God. So why worry about the results? Focus on giving your best. Let us know in comments how you plan to lead a Stress-Free life from now.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

the right consciousness we need to develop to reach the Ultimate Goal of our Life, which is to feel the presence of God near us all the time

On Day 7 of the Life-Transformation. It  talks about the right consciousness we need to develop to reach the Ultimate Goal of our Life, which is to feel the presence of God near us all the time. 

When we realize that God is always watching us, we will strive to do our best. That will make us Do Good, Feel Good and Be Good, which is the Ultimate goal of our Life. What is the best way to practice God Consciousness in our day-to-day work? Watch more to find out.

Action item for Day 7: Next time when you do some work, take a break every 30 min. Imagine the presence of God before you for a min. Ask yourself - Did you put in your best efforts the last 30 min? After a month, repeat this exercise every 15 min, and gradually reduce the time interval. You will eventually reach a state where you will be in the perfect consciousness, which will help you achieve the Ultimate Goal of your Life.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Day 6 Life Transformation Challenge

Day 6 Life Transformation Challenge

On Day 6 of Life Transformation Challenge, 

We will always go through difficulties in life, some bad experiences of the past, anxieties of the present and future. However, when we have faith in God, focus on being in the present by doing our best and leaving the rest to God, we will never have to worry in life. When we always remain worried about difficulties and uncertainties, we will not perform to our potential. So let's focus on doing our best and leave the rest to God. That way, the circumstances will always be in our favor.

Action item for Day 6: Think about some of the moments you were so worried and anxious about the future. During those times, were you able to perform at your best? Always ask yourself the question - what should I be doing now? Focus on that with all your mind in it. You will feel accomplished once you complete that task. Continue doing this every day in your life, and soon you will find yourself focussing on your efforts more than worries. Share in comments, how you plan to live a life without worries from now. Inspire everyone with your ideas.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Day 5 Life Transformation Challenge : Self Control & Will Power

Day 5 Life Transformation Challenge : Self Control & Will Power

On Day 5 of this Life Transformation Challenge, let us  emphasize the need to develop Self-Control and WillPower to resist temptations on the path to achieving our goals. 

Whenever our senses long for something that's not conducive to our growth (say addiction for eating junk food or wasting a lot of time in movies), we need to resist those desires immediately by exercising Willpower. We can never quench the longing of our senses through their fulfillment, but by practicing self-control. Watch more to find out.

Action item for Day 5: Come up with a list of temptations and distractions that are preventing you from achieving your goals in life. 

Make a resolve to resist them by exercising your Self-control and Willpower. Share us in comments about how you plan to increase your Willpower.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

the need to practice Forgiveness to overcome hurt.

On Day 4 of Life Transformation Challenge

Image result for The need to practice Forgiveness to overcome hurt.

The need to practice Forgiveness to overcome hurt.

In an imperfect world, people may hurt us. However, instead of cultivating resentment, if we develop the quality of Forgiveness, then we will become the master of our emotions and grow spiritually.  Even though we should forgive, we should never forget to learn the lessons before moving on. Make a New Year's Resolution to give up resentment and grudges. It will help you control your mind and emotions and become a wise person.

Action item for day 4: Think about the number of times someone hurt you. How many times did you lose your peace of mind? Were you able to realize that you are hurting yourselves for days through the resentful feelings more than the person who hurt you? Make it a habit to remember this lesson every time you get hurt and immediately eliminate the resentful thoughts through Forgiveness and move on with your life. It may be hard initially, but with practice, it's possible. Revisit this gem of wisdom many times to get mastery over it. Let us know how you plan to implement this quality of Forgiveness. Share your thoughts in comments.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

On Day 3 of Life Transformation Challenge

On Day 3 of Life Transformation Challenge

To give up the habit of Fault Finding in others

We should focus on improving ourselves more than finding weaknesses with others. When we find faults in others, it takes our mind away from seeing our defects and addressing them. Fault-finding in others won't help us become a better person. Therefore to truly transform your life, Make a New Year's Resolution to give up finding faults with others and resolve sincerely to address your defects and strive to become a better person. Watch the video Fully to learn more.

Action item for day 3:

Think about the number of times you blamed others or found faults in them when things didn't go as per your expectations. Did Fault Finding change the circumstances in your favor? Did you think about your defects in those times? After that contemplation, come up with an action plan to completely stop finding faults in others and the way to fixing your weaknesses, for that is the way forward to transform your life.

NB:  Indebted to Swami Mukundananda 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Let us decide to give up the habit of Gossiping for Good.

On Day 2 of Life Transformation Challenge, let us decide to give up the habit of Gossiping for Good.
Gossip or idle talk kills our time and impacts our Mental Health. When we Gossip about others or anything not important for self-development, it drains our mental energy. Gossiping about others, especially, reveals a weakness in our character. As a result, we lose precious time in our life which we can never get it back. The Human Form we received is a gift of God, and we should not waste one moment of our life. Therefore, to truly transform your life, make a New Year's Resolution today to give up Gossiping for Good. Take a moment become aware of yourself to get inspired.

Action item for day 2: Think about the time you spent with others last year and contemplate intensely over it. How many hours did you spend on Gossiping? Think about how you could have used those times wisely. After that contemplation, come up with an action plan to completely stop Gossiping and a way to utilize those precious time for your Life Transformation. We will discuss the 3rd Life Transformation tool tomorrow.

This is an extract from Swami Mukundananda
God bless you.
Fr. Johnson Ponthempilly sdb 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

It's Time to Improve your Thoughts 2020

It's Time to Improve your Thoughts 

It all begins with our thoughts. Thoughts have so much power that when we control and utilize them in the proper direction, they can take our life to sublime heights. However, when we allow unproductive, negative thoughts to occupy our minds, it can quickly degrade ourselves.

Therefore Make a Firm resolution to improve your thoughts. 
Action item for day 1: Start a Spiritual Journal or a Diary. Make all your New Year's resolution there. Let one of them be Always to eliminate any negative or unproductive thoughts. Read and revise the Diary every morning. 

Strive to practice them throughout the day. Before Going to Sleep, check your Diary, and see how much you are progressing? Are you moving towards your goals? We will proceed to discuss the 2nd Life Transformation tool tomorrow.

This is an extract from Swami Mukundananda